Part 24: Atelier Bunny?
Update 24: Atelier Bunny?
Music: Succeed on Earth
When we go through Henmil's Gate, we get deposited to the World Map again, with this new area on the other side.

I don't like the Path to the Heavens. The first area has a lot of different elevations and the perspective here really sucks so it's kind of hard to tell how high or low everything is relative to where you are.
I mean, it's not really a problem, it's just sort of annoying.

There's a lot of loot here, although most of it's just bags of money or Mana Stones. There's also another of these huge stacks of rocks with a Mana Stone on top, but the real reward is the thirty or so Stone Elements you can get from extracting all these rocks.
If we head to the northeastern section of the map...

Aww, lookit the little bun-

Shut up, Delsus.

Well, that wasn't really where I thought any of this was going, but more towns means more shops, right? Let's see what sorts of new and exciting items we can find here.

Atelier Totopop & Mofuma: Welcome to the Animal Kingdom

Music: Popo's Pleasant Money Lecture

Music: Animal Village

Oh, well that's no problem. Karikari Nuts grow in lots of places, but I find the easiest place to farm them is Arcose they grow on the wall outside the antique shop so you can just run in and out.

Witness the power of being a bunny! Like the tutorial said, this allows us to go in small places or across small platforms. We can also fall much farther, though that's more useful for taking shortcuts back rather than making progress.

We can also farm Dunkelhite here, in the event we need it instead of Rafflesia. There's some Sweet Glowgrass here as well.
Anyway, most of the inhabitants just spread rumors about each other, but there's another important person to talk to here.

This place is so very precious. I kind of want to make a Hundred Acre Woods comparison, but Totopop is waaaay too chill to be Rabbit.

I didn't actually end up buying anything this time (I somehow only have eight Karikari Nuts so I can't buy the really good stuff), but Mofuma sells more Palm Fish and Totopop sells a couple of curious gadgets that I'm sure I'll need someday. Mofuma and Totopop also both do synthesis. I can't make any of Mofuma's stuff right now, but Totopop has one lone recipe right now that I can try...

I don't think we've even come across Stone yet. This could be a nice item to have, although Baji Serum is kind of rare so I can't synth a lot of them, and it costs five Karikari Nuts to purchase outright so I can only really get one at a time.

When we leave the village, we're deposited on the world map again. Going north takes us back to the Path to the Heavens, but south...

...Takes us to Kavoc's Sewers! We've also unlocked the Hidden Village as a teleporter destination, so this is a useful shortcut back home.

Music: Succeed on Earth
Anyway, back on track; we need Transformation to scale this mountain, as there's a path that's to small to cross otherwise.

You're an occasionally unpleasant but highly effective monster guts extractor. Now c'mon, we've got to get into Avenberry proper to figure out how to save you or something.

Now we have an elevator maze that's also a teleporter maze. My favorite.

Ooh, I'll have to try and make an even tinier Craft with this. I don't know if such a thing actually exists, but I'm going to find out!

The monsters here aren't so bad. A lot of them are back from earlier areas like Ka Luda's Playground or even as far back as the Cleft of Nelvia. The main new guy is Jinn (like that Jinn Rider boss back at Zeldalia's but less obnoxious)


The Damn Ring honestly seems more harmful than good. I'm tempted to give it to Arlin anyway because I've avoided giving him anything worthwhile and it would be funny. We'll see.

There are some good items strewn about this area. Of course, since it's a maze, it's easy to miss some of the good stuff, but dungeons in this game don't get especially large so it's not too bad to explore the whole place.

Hmm...I would love to try these, but Evil Elements are still kind of difficult to work with right now (only Plua can handle them and she has a x3 modifier). I think I'll have a means of dealing with that pretty soon, though.

I forgot about these. This guy ran away before I could kill it. I assume I get lots of elements from extracting them or just good exp/items/whatever. I'll let you know if I kill one.

Music: What Was Left Behind

Welcome to Avenberry! The inhabitants were kind enough to leave a little guest house right at the entrance for people to save and rest, so let's do that real fast.

We get a cool 5,000 Cole. Also, I like how Delsus' money is just kind of automatically ours now.

Oh, there's also a teleporter to the blacksmith fairy's house here, though we can't teleport back here the closest teleport back from there is in the Hidden Village. Still, it's nice if you need to go back and get more items or elements or whatever.

(also Cueparts, which are a high-end synthing item that cost 9 Karikari Nuts from Totopop's store).

The first section of Avenberry is this little puzzle. It's basically just a test to see if you remember what Mana abilities you have and how to use them. Uru, Deimia, the Transformation power, and possibly Nymph/Silwest can all be useful crossing to the teleporter on the other side.

Yes, I can't wait to stab something to death.

oh nevermind then

Music: Eternal Eyes
And this is the second part of Avenberry, and the proper dungeon of the area the library. As we approach the entrance...

And when we've made just a little progress into the library itself...

The library is another maze, and has yet more good things in it. There are also lots of Growloons, so we'll need to explore the entire area sooner or later for 100% completion.

I wonder what the drawbacks to this weapon are? I used Arlin for a couple fights and didn't notice any major problems. Maybe I'll notice in the inevitable boss fight. Regardless, that's a sickening magic boost.


Arbitrary walls.

There are new enemies in the library, and some of them are real jerks. Cerberus' breath attack isn't really that notable, but it also has the leaping attack all wolves have that hurts like crazy.

Dark Elementals do completely absurd amounts of damage to Delsus and Arlin and are immune to physical attacks. Fortunately, Arlin also murders them right back with his magic damage attack.

You can pass by most of the good things in here, but when you find this odd passage, be very sure to cross it.

Y'know, Zeldalia makes it sound like having more than one Mana is really hard, but so far all...what? Eight of them? They've all pretty much said Oh hi, I'm joining you now.

Music: Popo's Pleasant Money Lecture

Eital likes lots of things as presents, so she's not too hard to get along with. She's able to handle Holy Elements, too, so we can finally make some Elixirs...but I'm gonna hold off on that for just a little longer.

She also bolsters damage output when equipped on a character. Lita is the most correct answer.

At this point, I remembered that there's something I want to try and do before I fight the boss here, so this update's winding down, but let's see a few more monsters. Legion (

Golden Punis are still pretty harmless.

I also found yet another Mana seems like everything wants Lightning these days. I hope I find a Lightning Mana soon Silwest and her x3 modifier is all I have for that element right now.

That's it for now. Join me next time as we have an update about books.